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Portrett: Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi er en kjent entreprenør, Youtuber, forfatter og kommunikatør som har gjennom årene startet en rekke selskaper. Han startet i 2020 selskapet «Acquisition.com» som er et selskap som hjelper andre selskaper å skallere der målet er å maksimere profitt.

Jeg har hørt vanvittig mange podcaster av Alex det siste året og det som kjennetegner han er:

  • Genuin opptatt å hjelpe andre mennesker å få mer meningsfulle liv
  • Gjør komplekse utfordringer til løsbare problemer
  • Veldig konstruktive tanker om hvordan man bør tenke om å gjøre feil
  • Bryr seg ikke om hva andre tenker om han
  • m.m.

Beste sitater jeg har hørt fra Alex Hormozi

  • «Everyone want recurring revenue buts no one wants recurring work»
  • «This is what hard feels like»
  • «I will not do what it expected, I will do what is required»
  • «Don’t play to win, play to play. And when you do that, you cannot lose.»
  • «I can not lose, if I do not quit.»
  • «Most people wildly underestimate how many times you need to do something to succeed. And wildly overestimate how many things they’ve tried.»
  • «Give give give give give… get.” (5 Gives vs 1 Get)
  • “Do you want to know the secret to sales? Make people an offer so good they would feel stupid saying no.»
  • “If you never lose customers, you grow by default.”
  • «Marketing is just a fancy nine letter word for test.«
  • «I have never regretted working super hard»
  • I get happier because I know that no one will follow. Poor everyone else! If you can shift from «This is hard» to «No one can do this» you have the power in your hands.
  • «Everything worth doing is challenging, and the more worthwhile it is, the more challenging it becomes. The greater the reward, the greater the hardship.»


Jeg har de siste årene hørt mye på Alex da han har veldig mye gode tanker å komme med. Nedenfor har jeg inkludert de aller beste:

  • Modern Wisdom – 21 Brutally honest lessons about life – Youtube

Korte snutter

The Real Reward Of Hard Work Is Not What You Think

Favorittsitater fra denne podkasten:

  • ***No work is wasted because I am the output of the work not the outcome
  • ***Don’t be so worries about people who imitate your work – they know the what, you know the why
  • ***Implement the new thing you learned right away before you start learning something new*
  • The essence of an attractive man:
    • He is comfortable in his own skin,
    • He knows where he is going
    • He has fun while he’s going there
  • You can’t have a strong character and an easy life
  • Protect your passion at all cost
  • Volume negates luck
  • You don’t find passion, you create it. You create it by getting good at something
  • Expecting it to be easy will make it so much harder than it is
  • The only way out is through. You only quit when you stop, not pivot
  • If you feel like you have potential left over, it will eat you alive until you do something about it
  • Looking stupid in the moment so that you can better understand something, makes you not look stupid in life when you actually understand it
  • We can’t only wish for sunny days, then there would be drought
  • Why try solve a problem that is life
  • The best art is art where the artist makes it for themselves –
  • Exposure to information isn’t learning – learning is repeated recall and not repeated exposure

You’re Not Behind: My System for Outlearning Everyone

Favorittsitater fra denne podkasten:

  • We blame the conditions for the lack of success. But the reality is that the champions create success regardless of conditions.
  • You are going to be the THING that MAKES it work
  • The best thing that you can do is beat them and then watch as they shrink into irrelevance as you grow into your potential.
  • The Levels of competence:
    • 1 «Positive Active» – Even though no one have done it, its not impossible, its really possible therefore i will!
    • 2 «Passive Active» – If they have done it, i can do it, therefore zero possibility of failure, because they have done it.
    • 3 «Neutral Passive» – Will see if it works for me.
    • 4 «Negative Passive» – It worked for others but it probably it wont work for me
    • 5 «Negative Active» – I can prove this works for everyone but me (i am special)
  • I do exactly to a tee what the teachers are doing. And then I iterate later.
  • What you learned from teacher 1 you will bring with you when you are learning from teacher 1
  • Many level of competance go from 5 to 1. They are active!

    • 1 år ago

    […] Alex Hormozi (entreprenør og grunder av Acquisition.com) lagde en enkel men svært kraftull formel som på engelsk heter «The value equation». I denne artikkelen deler hva denne formelen definerer samt mine beste tips og erfaringer av å bruke denne formelen selv! […]

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